Saturday, December 26, 2009
Things I learned this Christmas:
2. Kumquat liqueur is good in mimosas.
3. Christmas should not be celebrated without alcohol. Let's be honest; holidays are a fantastic excuse to drink in the middle of the day and not be judged. Take advantage of it.
4. Julie and Julia is actually a really good movie.
5. A two person Christmas really sucks. After you get done walking the dogs, opening presents, eating, watching a movie, eating again, and staring at each other for a while, it's still only two o'clock.
6. A new door for my house does, in fact, make a good Christmas present.
7. You will get no less than 5 "Merry Christmas" mass texts, at least one of which will say "Merry CHRISTmas," just in case you forgot... A couple of the texts will come from people you don't even have programmed into your phone. But, a couple of them will make you smile.
8. I will not spend another Christmas at my mom's house unless one of the following happens: she gets cable or wireless internet.
UPDATE: 9. My mom and I can get along in the same house for approximately 36 hours. No more.
Monday, December 21, 2009
You didn't really play that whole conversation out in your head first, did you?
Me: Ok...that's good.
M: And her birthday is Wednesday, so he wants to do something for her, like send her flowers or something, but roses wouldn't be a good idea, right?
Me: Yeah, that might be a little too much too soon.
M: So, what should he do?
Me: Uhm...well, definitely not carnations either.
M: Why?
Me: Because they're cheap. And girls know it.
M: Girls are dumb.
Me: Do you realize you just called to ask if your brother could get a girl flowers after they've gone on one date and we've been dating for six months and I've never gotten flowers.
M: We're about to go into a tunnel, with an elevator, in a dead spot...
Me: *sigh*
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Happy Holidays!
We spent the majority of the day this past Sunday shopping for bikes and remote control trucks (two of the things the boys put on their wish lists) and with the help of some sort of early Christmas miracle, we made it through six hours of shopping among throngs of other holiday shoppers without disagreeing about ANYTHING.
So today we had our Christmas, which means during lunch, I picked him up at his office and we drove all our gifts downtown and dropped them off at the Salvation Army. It was possibly the most romantic thing I've ever done with anyone.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I lost 100 pounds on a diet of nothing but tofurkey
Or like when I tweated once about the crying baby in Target being an amazing form of birth control, I suddently have all these weird Mommyblog followers, one of which was called Thelaughingbaby. And let me tell you, using a head shot of a laughing baby as your profile pic is not creepy. Not at all.
Or like how I have ads on the side of my blog for drain cleaners because I posted two things about having a clogged drain. Because you know what else was in that blog? A lot about how I ALMOST KILLED MY MOTHER. Maybe an ad for some sort of counseling service would be more appropriate?
It makes me want to say random crap just to see who will follow me or what kind of ads I can get to pop up. Like hair plugs. Natural male enhancement. Marshmallow peeps.
Work it
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I think there's some sort of karmic imbalance in my life
"Hellooooo?" Her head popped around the corner.
"Crap, it's my mom, I'll call you back."
"How's it going? Did you fix it?" I just stared at her. "Still clogged, huh?" Again, just staring. "It sounds like it might be tree roots."
"Oh my God, Mom!"
I suppose she took that as her cue to stop talking about my drain. Which, on the one hand was good, but she apparently missed the cue to just LEAVE, and spent the next five minutes making small talk about many, many, many things that I don't care anything about until the voice in my head screaming "OH MY GOD I DON'T CARE WHAT KIND OF DOG YOUR CO-WORKER IS ADOPTING" became so deafening that I couldn't hear anything else. I guess my lack of interest made her mad because she kind of just stormed out. Maybe I said those things out loud. Who knows.
But when she offered to meet the plumber at my house yesterday so I didn't have to leave work early, I felt pretty guilty for being, well, a bitch, and I made sure to thank her profusely and made a mental note to maybe try a little harder to be nice in the future. Until I actually got home. Yes, my drain was completely unclogged. Yay for showering again! But, this was the first thing I saw when I walked in the door.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Let's just say it's a good thing I don't own a gun
Mom: It's probably tree roots. You're going to have to call someone.
Me: But I haven't even tried Draino yet.
Me: ????
Mom: If you use Draino, a plumber won't even touch your's too caustic.
Me: ????
Mom: It's probably tree roots, you should call someone.
Me: *sigh* I have to go.
Mom: Ok, well let me know if you need a number for someone to get the tree roots out.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I just got a "why don't you like me any more" email from my 64 year old mother
This morning I had an email from my mom, who I saw yesterday from a distance while I was letting my dogs run around on our family property. She was out working in the field, helping an archaeologist survey some Hopewell mounds (this story could get complicated really quickly), so I waved and didn't bother to walk out there, thinking my dogs would just be in the way. When I left, I waved again. No big deal, right? We live literally a mile and a half from each other and see each other all the time.
The email started: "Late last night, while I was wondering why you didn't come out into the field to say hi yesterday..." What? Late last night? As in, you were losing sleep over this? And you didn't just call to ask me? And this was the first thing on your mind again this morning?
I guess I know who to blame the next time I want to go postal on my boyfriend for forgetting to call me back.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Nature v. Nurture
But, you know what happens? I play the hardass for a long time--everything rolls off my shoulders; I'm one of the guys. Until one day (lets say for arguments sake that might have been yesterday), I'm super stressed, and all the little things seem to go wrong all at once and all of a sudden I'm inconsolable. It's like a therapy cry from a bad 80's movie; I'm sobbing on the couch, watching Gray's Anatomy, and wondering what went wrong.
And suddenly, my boyfriend, who was told (by yours truly) that he was dating a rational human being, is thrown for a roller coaster-size loop. This was not exactly how I envisioned our first fight. That sounds weird--who envisions their first fight, right? But, I just didn't think it would happen with me all emo. I'm pretty sure just dealing with an argument is hard enough, but then he has this girl who, up to this point, has been relatively level headed, but is now on the other end of the phone crying, I mean, seriously crying, and he can't figure out exactly why. And honestly? I'm not entirely sure either.
On the upside, I feel so much better after a really good cry.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Really? Is there a "Congratulations You Won the Lottery So Let Me Buy You Presents" Day, too?
Anyway, we're having a potluck tomorrow morning for our bosses and, it's "totally voluntary" but in that we-know-who-you-are-you-non-participators sort of way. (Although, on the upside? Breakfast!)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
When did I get old? I just found the recipe for Northstar burgers. I need to get out more. And other nonsequiturs...
In other news, I found a recipe on Tastespotting today for what is supposed to replicate the Northstar burger. If you live in Columbus and haven't been to Northstar, you've clearly been living under a rock. And if you've been there and haven't had their veggie burger, well, I just feel sorry for you. After you look at the recipe but before you say anything about how much you hate beets, let me just head you off at the pass. I do too. They are awful. I think I would have a better experience licking the ground than eating a beet. But somehow, in these veggie burgers, they not only transform into something edible, they become magical. I don't know--maybe the secret ingredient is crack. But honestly? I don't really care. They are that good.
Which brings me to my next point: I need to get out more. Why? Because I've just spent an ENITRE blog post talking about how I'm getting old and how much I love veggie burgers made out of beets. Do I need to say anything else?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pack me in bubble wrap and call it a day...
Our friends told him they wanted to introduce him to someone who was in the local triathlon group with them, so he assumed that I at least had some measure of athleticism. We met, we hit it off, and on our first date we decided to go bowling. And I killed him. I mean it. I had the best bowling games of my life. Here's proof.

Recent issues include:
When I hit myself in the head with the cork screw while trying to open a bottle of wine at the beginning of summer (I was sober). I probably should have gotten stitches.

There's the MANY times I've ripped open my knee from sliding during softball this summer (although I don't really think that's being clumsy...).
Then, about three weeks ago, I stupidly tried to take a turn too late on my bike, thinking I could make it. I didn't. Instead I got this:

And, most recently, while running on Sunday night, I tripped on a piece of sidewalk that was crooked and poorly lit and got this:

So, now when I go to a wedding this Friday in a nice dress, with my hair done, I'll have a scar healing on my forehead, a bright pink, barely-rid-of-the-scab scar on my forearm, and scabs on both knees. If I was a kid, I'm pretty sure my parents would be at the police station for questioning right now.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
This might have been the best summer ever
And then I blinked. And it was October.
I was driving to work this morning wondering, as I do every year, where the summer went. And I started to think about everything that happened and all of a sudden it hit me: this was an AMAZING summer. I mean it--AMAZING. I packed more into this summer than possibly the last three.
And suddenly turning 30 doesn't matter.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I think to get fired for blogging about my job, I'd have to be more important
Anyway, I think I'm safe.
Thanks internet, I feel much better.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
It's like crack, only legal
I love you. I want to bear your children which is saying a lot since I've never said that to anyone. Ever.
Also, I'd like to know what possessed you to roast those little brown beans, grind them up, put them in hot water, and then drink them. Did you wait around wondering if you had just poisoned yourself?
If you could get back to me ASAP, that would be great, especially on the whole "bearing your children" thing. I'd really like to get moving on that. Thanks.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The energy that you can feel when you get in the middle of a crowd of people, all brought together by the same cause is always amazing, and I don't expect this to be any different. Pelotonia will raise over 4.5 MILLION dollars, all of that going directly to the James Cancer Hospital at Ohio State.
I've never been able to fully articulate why this is all so important to me. I was pretty young when my dad passed away, even younger when he was sick, so I didn't experience his sickness and death in the same way I would have as an adult, the way my mother did. I miss him more now than I did when I was younger because I now see all the things I want to share with him. In fourteen short years, he gave me a lifetime of aspirations, skills, and a the ability to look at the world with a critical eye and compassionate heart. I'm riding for him and I'm riding for me. These experiences help me remember who he was and what he gave me. He was a truly amazing person.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Shit my dogs ate because I'm too lazy to put stuff away
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Things you can't have too much of:
Onion...I've heard that there are people who cook without garlic and onions. I'm very suspicious of these people.
Sushi. Enough. Said.
Salt...I mean, I guess if you added salt to concentrated soup, it might be a little over the top, but in my world, salt is one of the best things ever.
Things people claim you can't have to much of, but, really, you can:
Sex...I mean, come on...sometimes there just isn't enough lube in the world.
Money...have you seen Donald Trump's hair? There has to be a connection. Or, at least that's what I tell myself to make myself feel better.
Ice Cream...hello? Ice cream headaches.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I still haven't come up with anything good, but that started a whole conversation about what each of our "weird things" are. Ryan definitely takes the cake, although I won't tell you what his is even though it's f-ing HILARIOUS...but now every time there is a lull in conversation with any of my other friends, I want to ask...what's your weird thing?
So, what is it? And, if you can think of something, what's mine?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Where's my feng shui?
Things are good for me right now. Really good. It's been a beautiful summer, I've had some moderate success at a few local triathlons, I've made some really great new friends, I have someone in my life, my family, for the most part, is healthy. There is very little I can complain about. But through all this, I have done a horrible job at finding balance in my life.
I honestly don't know how other people do it. Yes, I train a lot, but I know people who train A LOT more. I haven't gotten anything done on my house; I feel like it's a struggle just to get the lawn mowed. And part of it is that I'm trying to maintain some sort of social life, but if I don't, I think I'll go crazy. I mean, I always said I wouldn't do triathlon at the expense of everything else in my life and I think I'm reaching that tipping point and I haven't quite figured out how to keep it from careening one way or the other. And then, there's this little voice in the back of my head that keeps reminding me that I'm not doing enough for other people. Training, at its core, is a really selfish thing, and the more time I spend doing it, the more I start to feel a little guilty about it. But I don't want to quit (well, sometimes I want to quit like today when I'm going on like 5 hours of sleep, but that's another story entirely...) and so after I finish my race in September, I going to have to sit down and figure out where to go next with this, how to find the balance I really want, and then make a plan on how I'm going to get there.
Friday, May 29, 2009
I mean seriously...

Monday, May 11, 2009
I felt great on day one and on day two I felt pretty good for about 75 miles. The last 30 were a little rough, but I never felt like I wasn't going to make it--I just needed to go a little slower. We really hit some of the stretches hard, especially on day one, and it was so much fun. I'll definitely do it again next year!
Friday, May 8, 2009
On the whole dating thing...
And, I feel lucky that no dates have been disastrous yet. I've talked to a lot of really nice people, had some pretty boring dates, but had some really great ones. Obviously, nothing has stuck, or I wouldn't be rambling on about this, I'd be gushing about how lucky I am to have found someone. But, I'm learning A LOT, not just about what I want in a mate, but about myself. I have forced myself to relinquish a little bit of control and just go with the flow. And you know what? I'm MUCH happier.
I'm a little overwhelmed with how busy I am some days, and it's hard to fit in time to go out on dates, but I'm living so much of my life right now, and things are fantastic. And I know that eventually, the right guy will come along, whether its online or elsewhere, and hopefully, we'll be overwhelmed and busy and ecstatic about living life together.
In other news...tomorrow is TOSRV. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. More on that later (assuming I make it back to c-bus in one piece).
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Well I hope so, too!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
please excuse my unsophisticated rant
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Online dating sucks
Look--I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with sometimes, but they don't even know that yet. And, I know I'm not a super model, but COME ON PEOPLE, I don't think I'm completely ugly, either. Arg! If I can't get a response from a normal guy on a site where I've carefully chosen my words and pictures, what does that say about my chances anywhere?!?!?!?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
This is the stuff that should be covered...
From National Journal Magazine (
"We will lose on legislation. But we will win the message war every day, and every week, until November 2010," said Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., an outspoken conservative who has participated on the GOP message teams. "Our goal is to bring down approval numbers for [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and for House Democrats. That will take repetition. This is a marathon, not a sprint."
Really? How about making it your goal to FIX THE ECONOMY?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Give Prop 8 the boot
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Message from the squawk box
"When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don't see groups. We don't see victims. We don't see people we want to exploit. What we see -- what we see is potential. We do not look out across the country and see the average American, the person that makes this country work. We do not see that person with contempt. We don't think that person doesn't have what it takes. We believe that person can be the best he or she wants to be if certain things are just removed from their path like onerous taxes, regulations and too much government."
-- (emphasis mine)
But there is a very dangerous message in those words. The idea that the "average American" has not yet attained the best he or she can be, implies that they are somehow inferior. This is the very reason we have such strong class divides, the very reason that rates for smoking, drinking, and drug abuse rise as income decreases; we are telling the average worker, "Joe the Plumber," if you will, that what he does isn't good enough, that they haven't attained all they can.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Chris Buttars...championing the "spiritual and moral framework" of our government one idiotic comment at a time
Chris Buttars, a member of the Utah State Senate, (a glowing beacon of a red state, so maybe I shouldn't be so surprised) has gotten press lately for his defense of marriage comments. What gets me is this is his statement defending himself on his website:
“Despite the recent venom directed at him for defending traditional values, Senator Buttars will never abandon the framework of spiritual and moral values upon which our government was founded. Senator Buttars will continue to stand against the very aggressive special interest groups whose mission is to eliminate all traditional and moral values from government.” (
This complete and blatant disregard for separation of church and state baffles me. How can an elected official actually say that our government was founded on spiritual and moral values? I want to find this man and do horrible, horrible things to him. Oh, and for the record, we are on the brink of giving Utah one more seat in the House (