Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well I hope so, too!

I was having a heated debate with a co-worker today, one in which I apparently misunderstood the point he was trying to make. We were arguing over something that I thought was central to his argument, which was only a minor point. But instead of being level headed about it, he blows up, accuses me of always wanting to be right and always wanting to have the last word, and as the argument digressed, he finally looked at me and said "I really hope you can find someone that can deal with you." First, how about a big fuck you for thinking that because I have an opinion, I have to be dealt with, and second, I hope I find someone that can deal with a woman who has an opinion and a brain and isn't afraid to show it. And I stupidly thought we were in the 21st century.

1 comment:

pinkmydear said...

Isn't that what we all want, really? Someone who can deal with us, and who we can deal with too. Otherwise, it doesn't work out so well. I don't know who this dude was who you were arguing with, but clearly he doesn't know what a great catch you are.