Friday, October 23, 2009

Nature v. Nurture

I have spent much of my adult life trying not to be girly.  I hate that girls swoon, and get emotional over stupid shit, and are ultra insecure when it comes to guys.  I want to be above that, partially because if guys aren't that way, why should we be? and partially because it just seems like a total waste of energy.

But, you know what happens?  I play the hardass for a long time--everything rolls off my shoulders; I'm one of the guys.  Until one day (lets say for arguments sake that might have been yesterday), I'm super stressed, and all the little things seem to go wrong all at once and all of a sudden I'm inconsolable.  It's like a therapy cry from a bad 80's movie; I'm sobbing on the couch, watching Gray's Anatomy, and wondering what went wrong.

And suddenly, my boyfriend, who was told (by yours truly) that he was dating a rational human being, is thrown for a roller coaster-size loop.  This was not exactly how I envisioned our first fight.  That sounds weird--who envisions their first fight, right?  But, I just didn't think it would happen with me all emo.  I'm pretty sure just dealing with an argument is hard enough, but then he has this girl who, up to this point, has been relatively level headed, but is now on the other end of the phone crying, I mean, seriously crying, and he can't figure out exactly why.  And honestly?  I'm not entirely sure either.

On the upside, I feel so much better after a really good cry.

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