Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's like crack, only legal

Dear Person Who Invented Coffee,

I love you. I want to bear your children which is saying a lot since I've never said that to anyone. Ever.

Also, I'd like to know what possessed you to roast those little brown beans, grind them up, put them in hot water, and then drink them. Did you wait around wondering if you had just poisoned yourself?

If you could get back to me ASAP, that would be great, especially on the whole "bearing your children" thing. I'd really like to get moving on that. Thanks.



pinkmydear said...

You are a nut.

Amelia and David said...

Hey Steph

I believe your soulmate is named Kaldi. He is an Ethiopian goat herd. Let us know how that goes:

Amelia & David

tri2run said...

Crap--he's dead...what will I ever do?