Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Holidays!

In one of my top 10 feel good moments of the year, when I asked my boyfriend how he wanted to handle our Christmas (this is our first one as a couple and we won't actually be together on Christmas), he suggested we adopt a family from the Salvation Army and buy them Christmas presents instead.  If you know me, you know that suggesting something like this is one sure way to make my heart melt into a gooey ball of happiness.  Which it promptly did.

We spent the majority of the day this past Sunday shopping for bikes and remote control trucks (two of the things the boys put on their wish lists) and with the help of some sort of early Christmas miracle, we made it through six hours of shopping among throngs of other holiday shoppers without disagreeing about ANYTHING. 

So today we had our Christmas, which means during lunch, I picked him up at his office and we drove all our gifts downtown and dropped them off at the Salvation Army.  It was possibly the most romantic thing I've ever done with anyone.


pinkmydear said...

I want to know what are you other 9 top feel good moments of the year.

tri2run said...

(in no particular order) Coaching TNT, Pelotonia, TOSRV, The Year of 30, Inauguration Day, realizing I might finish grad school before I'm 40, hanging out with Ezra, getting ready to hang out with Lauren and Ty's baby, and of course meeting my awesome boyfriend.