Thursday, August 27, 2009

Shit my dogs ate because I'm too lazy to put stuff away

(in the last couple of weeks)...underwear, lots of underwear. I know, I know, get a hamper, right? Wrong. They can open it. I now have to keep my dirty laundry in ANOTHER ROOM. Socks. Shorts (well, just the crotch, so I suppose I could wear them as a skirt now.) Condoms (seriously, seriously, seriously gross). (Sorry mom! At least I'm being safe. And for the record, these were in the trash in the bathroom--they opened the can.) A loaf of bread. Flour. Powerdered Sugar. Brown Sugar (I've been doing a lot of baking, don't judge). The garbage that I forgot to put out. Tampons (again, GROSS!). And, because they were apparently feeling a little unhealthy from all the other crap, some lettuce. Show of hands...who wants to be me?


Cheryll said...

Wow. Just Wow. Also, not to be picky, but it's UnderWEAR not UnderWARE, unless it's some kind of new computer thing (hardware, software, malware, shareware... underware).

tri2run said...

Yeah--I fixed that part...I need you to be my editor.